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Follow Up-Reminder Letter


[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

This is just a reminder that the firm still has not received your signed copy of our engagement letter.

We must receive a signed copy of our engagement letter in order to complete the process of opening your file for the representation set forth in that letter. I have enclosed another copy of the letter in case you have misplaced the one I sent you earlier.

I have enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your convenience in returning the letter to me. If you have any questions, please call me at [Telephone Number].

Thank you for your assistance.


[Secretary's Name]

[Company Name]

cc: (Lawyer)